Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What's Up

Mommy has not been keeping up with the blogging recently, so we wanted to let you know what's up....

We have been having fun as usual. Keira recently showed everybody that she knows the word "mouth."

And we think Claire said "hey-a." Her first word?

Claire Says "Hey-a" from Laura Sehdeva on Vimeo.

We got an AWESOME new stroller! Mommy thinks the color is tacky, but Daddy thinks it will keep us safe because people will definitely see us.

We also got new bibs (and socks, not pictured) from Daddy's cousins.

As you can see, meal times are pretty laid back (and fun) at our house. But our favorite time of day is when Daddy comes home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should see the stroller Joe got, speaking of tacky. You can see us coming 2 miles away. Ha! That is a cool stroller though.