Sunday, January 25, 2009


Claire and Keira were lucky enough to have a kitty friend for the first four months of their life. Emma tested out their cribs and carseats even before they were born. She was wary of them when they first came home from the hospital, but after a while she warmed up to them, snuggling up between them whenever she could.

Emma's life ended yesterday after she suffered from a heart attack. The babies will not remember her, but we will definitely show them pictures, including this one in which Emma looks like she's watching over them.


Unknown said...

I'm so sorry!

Anonymous said...

We're so sorry to hear about Emma. We know you all will miss her. Brenda and Tom

Teri said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Emma!

Anonymous said...

Laura and Alex--I'm so very sorry to hear about Emma. I know how special she was to you, and I know how difficult it is to lose a family pet. My thoughts are with you--Julie Wellman

LauraS said...

Thank you all. We really appreciate your kind thoughts.

Robin, Waylon, Noah and Kylie said...

Oh no, that's horrible! I'm so sorry.