Friday, January 30, 2009

Culinary Adventures

Due to Claire's small appetite, the doctor advised us to try solid food a little early. Kate, the girls' babysitter, led the effort.


Detail of Claire:


Detail of Keira:

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Claire & Keira see Hope

Claire and Keira recently met a new friend--Hope! Hope is just one month younger then they are.

They thought Hope's Mommy and Daddy were pretty nice, too!

To impress their new friends, the girls showed off their advanced sleeping technique.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Claire and Keira were lucky enough to have a kitty friend for the first four months of their life. Emma tested out their cribs and carseats even before they were born. She was wary of them when they first came home from the hospital, but after a while she warmed up to them, snuggling up between them whenever she could.

Emma's life ended yesterday after she suffered from a heart attack. The babies will not remember her, but we will definitely show them pictures, including this one in which Emma looks like she's watching over them.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Despite evidence of the relative harmlessness of babies, some people remain suspicious....

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Claire & Keira Together

Many people comment to us about the "special twin bond" that they assume our girls share. The truth is, although they shared a womb and later a bassinet, they really didn't seem to notice each other much at first. They are just starting to respond to each other a little bit, and though it would be a stretch to say they have a "secret twin language," they do make some of the same sounds. One of their current favorite words is "Eeruh." (I'm guessing on the spelling here....)

Friday, January 9, 2009


The girls are just starting to appreciate toys.

Unfortunately, poor Emma gets used as a toy sometimes.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Even though they have never been on an airplane, Claire and Keira are big fans of JetBlue Airways. In December, they were invited to visit the JetBlue offices in Queens. They were very excited and even put on their JetBlue shirt (Keira) and airplane outfit (Claire), but unfortunately their visit was cancelled due to an IROP (snow storm).

This past Wednesday, they finally got to go! They met a lot of nice people.

Although some of them were kind of funny looking.

They received good customer service from Shana, who asked herself "Do you know what your Customer needs..?"

...and determined that what was needed was a bottle!

If things don't work out with mom and dad, Claire is planning to ask Lewis to adopt her.